Experts agree that effective

pain management must be:


Each person with pain is entirely unique. This means there is no one-size-fits-all approach to care. A treatment that is a lifesaver for one patient may cause an adverse reaction in another. It may take a lot of trial-and-error—and patience—but it’s important to keep trying new possibilities for relief.


 The impact of chronic pain goes far beyond physical. It can affect your overall health and wellness, including your sleep, weight, and immune system. It can also change your ability to function, including work, socializing, and hobbies. In addition, it can have consequences for your mental health and result in anxiety or depression. That’s why the best pain care addresses the whole person. It should incorporate specialists and treatment strategies across disciplines.


Given the complexity and individuality of pain, it is unlikely one therapy or strategy alone will adequately manage symptoms. A multimodal approach that combines a range of different treatment options is typically most effective in the long term. For example, if medication reduces your pain by 15 percent, physical therapy by 15 percent, and meditation by 5 percent—combined, that represents a 35 percent overall decrease in pain, which is significant!